Our Program

Early Years
Why is Early Years Education important?
Research has shown that a child learns at an astounding rate from birth to age six. What parents do and stimulate their children to in their early childhood years will have a big impact on the physical, intellectual, emotional and social development of the child.
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The fact is the first years of a child’s life are clearly important. What happens in early childhood can matter for a lifetime.
Why differentiate Inspirasi Early Years from other Preschools?
The Inspirasi Early Year program mirrors that of the very successful SIS Group of Schools. Our experience from SIS has shown that any child who joins our schools in the early years performs almost 25% better in their academics than those who join us later.
Our Early Years program focuses on
- Developing essential foundational skills in Language, Numeracy, Science, and Social-emotional development while also promoting artistic expression and imagination.
- Balance between academics, creative expression, and holistic development, providing a well-rounded education.
The Inspirasi Early Year program adopts as its framework Singapore’s well known Nurturing Early Learners (NEL) framework. The NEL framework is research-based and provides clear guidelines and learning goals that prepares children for a smooth transition to their primary school. In the Programme of International Student Assessment (PISA) tests conducted by OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), Singapore almost always tops the list. This is largely because of the way the fundamental skills in language, numeracy, science, and social-emotional development are developed early.
Insight into the Inspirasi Early Years Program (IEYP)
The Inspirasi Early Years Program (IEYP) is a holistic program. It draws from the best of Montessori, Regio Emilia and Waldorf and focuses on:
Aesthetics and Creative Expressions – Students learn how to express their feelings and create ideas through arts, crafts, music and movement using experimentation and imagination.
Discovery of the World – Helps children make sense of their immediate surroundings, community, and the world around them
Language and Literacy – Students learn how to listen for information and to speak to convey meaning and communicate with others. They will use drawings, symbols, writing and conventional spelling to communicate ideas and information.
Motor Skills Development – Students learn to develop control and coordination in fine and gross motor skills. They will have an understanding in how to develop healthy habits and safety awareness at home, in school and at public places.
Numeracy – Students will learn various numeracy concepts and skills in a way that they can apply their knowledge to meaningful daily experiences.
Social and Emotional Awareness – Students learn to develop an awareness of personal identity. They learn to manage their own emotions and behaviors, as well as showing respect and open-mindedness for the diversity and cultures of others.
Other Learning Areas include introduction to the Chinese Language, Bahasa Indonesia and Information Technology. Our Co Curricular Activities (CCAs) introduce the learners to other areas of their individual interest.
Inspirasi Preschoolers (Early Year Learners) do not learn through individual subjects. Our learners learn to draw knowledge and experience from one area of learning to another. They are encouraged to ask questions all the time and to link ideas, experiences and thoughts in their learning journey. Our Early Year curriculum subscribes to integrated learning where children discover through observations and experiments through first hand experiences.
Our young children make field trips outside schools. These could be to a local supermarket, museum, zoo or even a local garden. There they will be given an opportunity to observe and express their views along what they have learnt in classrooms.
Our Educators
Our educators are all highly qualified and experienced. Their passion and understanding of Early Childhood education and different cultures ensures the out-standing delivery and adaptability of the curriculum.
Our teachers understand that the best teacher is one that knows her/his student well. Hence they are observant, recording each child’s progress meticulously allowing timely intervention. They are EFFECTORs.
Our facilities
Our facilities have been thoughtfully designed to create an aesthetically stimulating learning environment. The Classrooms with natural light, are fitted with warm flooring to allow students to sit anywhere or even lay down freely.
A quick access from classroom allows our students to play outdoors in our big playgrounds. Indoor performing areas and mini gyms are all popular spots within our school.
The use of technology plays a big role in our holistic education.
Partnership with Parents
Parents will always remain the main influence in a child’s learning experience and education. In our Early Years, we encourage parents to provide feedback to us on our learner’s experiences and emotions in their learning journeys at home. We then work with parents to enhance and reinforce their learning to ensure our children are always having fun learning both in school and at home.
We encourage Parents to volunteer and help us in our efforts to nurture the young minds of the learner.
Age of Admissions
Grade Level |
Nursery One | 2 – 3 years |
Nursery Two |
3 – 4 years
Kindergarten One |
4 – 5 years
Kindergarten Two |
5- 6 years

The primary years (7-12 years) of any young child are the formative years.
This is the time when a good primary education looks to the development of cognitive, social, emotional and cultural skills all needed for the 21st century. Download Brochure
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Our Primary Program is project-based and focuses on STEM. Building strong foundations in math, science, and technology is crucial for young learners to achieve better performance in their later years. Proficiency in English is also a key focus for us. We hone this skill not only as a standalone subject but also through experiences in other subjects.
Our Holistic philosophy ensures an equal balance on the humanities, sports, arts, physical and emotional well-being as well as the spiritual beliefs of our learners.
As for the key life and job skills for tomorrow’s unpredictable world, our PACE Program stresses the importance of perseverance, analytical and creative thinking. Collaborative and Communication skills are honed as well. As for Entrepreneurship, our students will work on at projects along the United Nations Sustainable Goals, solving community issues.
Other Highlights of Our Primary Program
- Learning Indonesian & Local Languages and Culture – Ensure a comprehensive grasp of the language, its usage, and its cultural context to understand cultural values and local wisdom.
- Music – Our students will experience a repertoire of traditional and modern music genres. It involves a multifaceted approach that combines theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and creative expression.
- Creative Arts – This Program involves fostering creativity and imagination, developing fine motor skills, and encouraging self-expression. Students will learn about basic art techniques, skills, elements of arts with varied art media as well as facilitating students to develop art appreciation.
- Information technology – Information technology is an important part of our curriculum. Technology is also integrated into other subjects and projects.
- Learning Journeys – Students will leave the school grounds for different hands-on educational experiences, including working with local communities.
- Physical Education – We make physical activity fun and help children understand the importance of good health through a host of sporting activities.
- Global Perspectives – Our students learn and develop their understanding of different cultures, global issues, and interconnections among people and places.
- Chess program – a structured and engaging chess program to motivate students to learn the fundamentals of chess to stimulate cognitive, social, and emotional skills.
Our Holistic Assessments
As each student learns differently , our schools subscribe to the holistic assessment of each child to build the desire to learn. Our teachers carefully serve and monitor the academic, social and emotional development of our students.
Active avenues our teachers use for assessment of student progress include:
Continuous monitoring – Teachers observe class participation closely and take note of areas where a child has excelled in or needs help in.
Informal interactions – This may include student-teacher corridor conversations, or impromptu activities like a simple game of table tennis.
Parent participation – Teachers are constantly in touch with our parents to ensure that their child is also learning and developing well outside the school.
Other more formal assessments include:
Score tracking – Teachers input the scores of unit tests, classwork, homework, and assessments, which computes the student’s final grades for the semester.
Report Files – Each student has a file with comments from core subject teachers.
Semestral Assessments – Upper Primary students will sit for these exams at the end of each Semester. Less emphasis is placed on tests for lower Primary students.
International bench-marking – In order to benchmark our school against global performances, our students will sit for relevant international examinations.
Academic Support Program
For students who are still working towards the expectations of the subject, we have has an Academic Support Program, where the subject teacher will give individual support and attention to the student outside of curriculum time. This allows them to further enjoy personalized attention from our teachers.
In particular, our non-native English speakers have benefitted from the carefully designed program for students of different abilities in language studies.
Parents and Schools as Partners
Parents will always remain the main influence in a child’s learning experience and education. In our school, we encourage parents to provide feedback to us on our learner’s experiences and emotions in their learning journeys at home. We then work with parents to enhance and reinforce their learning to ensure our children are always having fun learning both in school and at home.
Sometimes, if the situation requires so, we work with parents and third party professionals in interventions that will help children who face challenges.
We always encourage more parents to step forward and lend their expertise to school programs and activities.
The IDP is a project based learning activity which provides an opportunity for our students to learn outside of their subjects, take responsibility for their learning and collaborate with others to achieve a common goal. Each year, groups will be given an engaging question or problem that they will have to investigate and respond to. These questions will be focused on the UNSDGs. The project is challenging. Students will learn to persevere and their analytical skills will be tested.
They will be assessed on the following;
- Ideas, planning skills and organization
- Self-discipline and sense of responsibility
- Cooperation/Collaboration within the group
- Communication within the group
- Application of Knowledge
The Core Primary Program: Maths
Often learners ask, “Why do I need Math?” We use Math in day-to-day activities like simple problem-solving processes like purchasing and banking. The fact is, excelling in Math will open doors and opportunities in future learning journeys and careers.
Program Objectives:
- Provide stimulating activities beyond text books to help ensure the foundations of Maths are in place
- To enhance problem solving techniques and improve mental calculation, reasoning and analytical skills
- To inculcate a positive attitude and interest in Math
Our Primary Program: Math (Lower Primary)
Students are exposed to the four fundamental mathematical operations on 3 digit whole numbers. They will be able to identify the place value and arrange the digits according to their appropriate places, write fractions, perform addition and subtraction on fractions. They will be exposed to the concepts of measurements, calculations of time taken as well as the area and perimeter of basic shapes.
Our Primary Program: Math (Upper Primary)
The students will learn the use of the four operations on whole numbers, fractions and decimals. They will solve 3-step word problems on whole numbers, fractions and decimals, percentages and ratios. They will learn about triangles, quadrilaterals and angles, as well as concepts of areas and perimeters. They will begin analysis tasks through the use of bar diagrams, line graphs and pie charts.
The Core Primary Program: Science
Science results in inventions and technological improvements, making things easier, faster and safer. Science answers questions like , “How to” or “Why”. Our world will be very different without scientists.
Program Objectives:
- Provide stimulating activities beyond text books to help ensure the foundations of Science are in place
- To inculcate and encourage curiosity, experimentation, group-discussions and analytical thinking
- To encourage action behind ideas and influence positive changes, small or big
Our Primary Program: Science (Lower Primary)
Here, our students are introduced to the world of Science and will be encouraged to ask questions. They are exposed to many concepts, including basic theories around the Water Cycle, Human and Plant Systems. Students will participate in hands on activities and experiments inside the classroom, in Science labs and outdoors. Both practical and written work is employed into the learning process.
Our Primary Program: Science (Upper Primary)
Science is a Core subject here and taught through inquiry. Teachers employ the 5E instructional model; engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration and evaluation. Students will learn about a variety of topics which will include the Nervous system, Cell growth, Reproduction, the Environment, Simple Machines, Solar System and Electricity. Our students will be able to conduct experiments using a set of instructions and elaborate their observations in writing. They will also be able to analyze, determine and explain their findings clearly.
The Core Primary Program: English
English is the official language in a large number of countries. The ability to speak and write English with confidence has become almost a necessity in the work place and to get into good universities.
Program Objectives:
- Provide stimulating activities beyond text books to help ensure the foundations of the English language are in place
- Inculcate the passion for reading and writing
- Encourage the use of the language confidently
Our Primary Program: English Language (Lower Primary)
Our students are exposed to a range of vocabulary to express their views clearly. They will read a variety of texts and learn to scan for information. They will understand the use of tenses as well as punctuation to add meaning and rhythm to their reading and writing. Reading is constantly encouraged. Our learners will be able to express themselves confidently, read proficiently and write a simple story.
Our Primary Program: English Language (Upper Primary)
Focus on reading continues here. Our learners are exposed to various literary genres and writing styles which will help in their writing tasks. They will learn to infer meaning from contextual clues. Their creative writings will start stretching their imagination through vivid descriptions, complex sentences and figurative languages. They would by now have built a solid foundation of the English Language skills.
P – Perseverance
Things will often look difficult and the young may question their own abilities. In our schools we help our learners to understand adversity and persevere. We work with them very closely in their journey towards their own goals. We celebrate effort.
A – Analytical Thinking
Activities around subject content look at real life situations and problems. Students are taught to analyze before solving problems. They test predictions and generate solutions. They learn to plan, prioritize and act. Note taking is an important area of focus here.
C – Communication/Collaboration
Our learners are guided to communicate in a manner where others can understand their viewpoints. They learn to listen and appreciate other views. Students are also taught to communicate their ideas through diagrams, graphs, charts, and other digital tools widely used today.
Students are given ample opportunities to work in teams that are often randomly put together. They learn about collaboration and leadership.
E – Entrepreneurism
The many Inter-Disciplinary Projects in our Schools require our learners to be creative and innovative. They will apply their knowledge across many disciplines, testing and communicating their ideas. They will be exposed to the fundamentals of entrepreneurship.
Age of Admissions
Grade Level |
Lower Primary Years | Year 1 (Y1) | 6 – 7 years |
Year 2 (Y2) |
7 – 8 years
Year 3 (Y3) |
8 – 9 years